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The Institute for Management, Planning and Development of Viticulture in the State of Rio Grande do Sul - CONSEVITIS-RS has as its main purpose the support, dissemination and financing of demands established by the founding entities, approved through work plans, acting in the institutional organization of production, promotion and harmonization of the productive chain of viticulture in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, including the production of grapes, wines, grape juice and other products derived from grapes and wine, in all its areas: agricultural, productive, elaboration, technical, promotion, consumption, structural, organizational, cultural, environmental, legal, legal and institutional, as well as in teaching, research, extension and institutional, scientific, technological and innovation development programs.

These actions are implemented based on sectoral policies approved by the State Winemaking Development Fund (Fundovitis), created by Law 10.989/1997, which regulates the production, circulation and sale of grapes and their derivatives, and originate from the ICMS paid by wineries on the acquisition of grapes or through the implementation of other projects and partnerships that may be developed and approved by the entities that are part of Consevitis-RS.”

Among the strategic activities of CONSEVITIS-RS are the stimulation of the production and consumption of grapes, juice, wine and their derivatives, support and promotion, both in the domestic and foreign markets.

In order to achieve its goals, CONSEVITIS-RS will include, on an equal basis, grape producers, cooperatives and wine industries, through the following institutions.

- Two (02) representatives of grape producers, nominated by the Rural Workers' Unions, represented by the Association of the Interstate Grape Commission-ACIU;

- Two (02) representatives of the wine industries, nominated by the representative entities, with One (01) representative nominated by the Brazilian Union of Vitiviniculture-Uvibra and One (01) representative nominated by the Rio Grande do Sul Association of Winemakers-Agavi;

- Two (02) representatives of wine cooperatives, nominated by the Federation of Wine Cooperatives of the State of Rio Grande do Sul-Fecovinho.

CONSEVITIS-RS is responsible for deliberating on the Annual Development Plan for Vitiviniculture and the general budget of revenues and expenses, observing the basic objectives of harmonious development, efficiency and sustainability of the wine segment of Rio Grande do Sul in the search for duly quantified results. With this, the focus is to contribute to the development of the grape and wine production chain and their derivatives, organize and strengthen the relationship between producers, traders and consumers, maximize the consumption of wine products, propagate the culture related to Brazilian wines, sparkling wines and grape juice, respecting the specificities and needs, in addition to expanding the opportunities arising from possible partnerships with the public sector, producer associations, technical education, research and extension entities.

Our vision

The wine sector is united and balanced for the healthy development of the entire production chain: community, producers, cooperatives, and industries.

A crate of grapes on a lawn
  • Mission

    Plan and execute actions for the maintenance and promotion of the wine sector in Rio Grande do Sul.

  • Purpose

    To promote, maintain and develop qualitatively, and in a sustainable way, the wine production in Rio Grande do Sul, adding value to the products, brands and image of the sector in order to promote the culture of consumption of our wine and grape juice in Brazil and worldwide.

  • Values

    Union, balance, and sustainable social, environmental, and economic development.

  • Vision

    The wine sector is united and balanced for the healthy development of the entire production chain: community, producers, cooperatives, and industries.

Planting of vines

Consevitis-RS Members

Management 2022 - 2024


Our Consevitis Representatives


Consevitis de nuestro equipo ejecutivo